Working in the funeral industry


Every week, we receive emails from people who are interested in working in the funeral sector. If you’re a kind, thoughtful, creative and emotionally intelligent individual who might be interested in working in funerals, we need you. We’ve put together a list of resources which may help you on your journey to becoming a funeral arranger, funeral director or a funeral celebrant.

1. Join the Good Funeral Guild

The Good Funeral Guild

The Good Funeral Guild is a community of inspired and inspiring people who are working together to improve funerals for the better. Joining the Guild will give you access to a supportive and welcoming community of funeral professionals all over the country. The Good Funeral Guild is home for the progressive funeral movement in the UK.

2. Look into professional training

If you’re interested in becoming a funeral director:

Photo courtesy of Holmles & Family Funeral Directors

Photo courtesy of Holmles & Family Funeral Directors

  • Green Fuse
    Offers relevant training for modern funeral directors and is ideal for those who want to start their own funeral company

If you’re interested in becoming a funeral celebrant:

If you’d like to become a funeral celebrant, there are several courses we recommend in the UK. They all have different approaches and philosophies, so take time to explore their websites and speak to other celebrants who have completed the training. There is limited work for celebrants and a lot of competition, so get to know your local funeral directors and make sure you have an excellent web presence so clients can come to you directly, rather than being reliant on funeral directors for recommendations.

Rosalie Kuyvenhoven is a successful funeral celebrant in London -

Rosalie Kuyvenhoven is a successful funeral celebrant in London -

 3. Read:

4. Follow:

5. Learn about grief:

Good luck! Working in the funeral sector can be is a rewarding and meaningful career choice.